Ok. Problem is that when I generate site using Maven and use intranet repository like Artifactory (or Nexus, or Archiva, or else this problem does not depends on software) in some moment whole process hand for over 2 hours. This is very annoying when I try build site on localhost (for tests). The source of this problem is maven-project-info-reports-plugin that try to connect with remote repositories and ignore local mirrors/proxies. When I have over 20 repositories (many maven tools has they own repositories i.e. GWT, PMT or SchemaSpy) then maven spend long time for connection and download informations that they need. So… solution of this problem is that.

    1. Create maven profile call it „no-informations” and make them active by default.
    1. Add maven-project-info-reports-plugin configuration in this profile:

Listing 1. Configuration of maven-project-info-reports-plugin


That’s all

One more thing. When You has Android IDE installed in Your Eclipse 3.5 that You can not use ALT+SHIFT+A for toggle block selection. Android plugin override configuration and use ALT+SHIFT+A as a activator for they comments. Solution:

  • open preferences>workspace>keys
  • find toggle block selection
  • replace ALT+SHIFT+A to something else.