For people who wouldn’t like to read long posts.


1. Because all articles how to beat procrastination are to long for people who would do this.
2. Because I know what I write. Procrastination is my personal daemon everyday for years.


1. Define „The Big Thing” that you want to achieve. It is too big to one bite. For me is to buy this toy.
2. Define milestones and write it on paper. I have my pr0-note. Don’t write it on computer. Paper is real and nad you can touch it. Computer note is abstract. You can’t create „mental link” with that abstract thing.
3. Milestones are too big, still. But they are easier to achieve, easier to manage and less abstract. My milestones e.g.:
– Save first 3K
– Save first 10k
– Save 30K
– Find source of passive income – up to 1k/per month
– Find source of passive income – up to 3k/per month
4. Split each milestone to tasks and ideas. Some of them will be duplicated in milestones
– Tasks – what I can do without any additional planing or need only small research e.g. start charge back program account in my bank, find and start good investment.
– Ideas – need more work or additional planing e.g. find clients form my apps. Technically they are set of depended tasks.
5. Set deadlines for tasks and planing session dates for ideas. Still use paper 🙂
6. Realise task. One by one. Remember to mark task as done. You could realise task from different milestones. Sometimes you could realise sub-tasks from ideas.

When win

1. Write short summary – what was good and help you. Just 5-6 words.
2. When achieve milestone – get small prize. Remember it should be really small. My favorite is bottle of „craft beer”.

When fail

1. Write short summary – what should be done better. Just 5-6 words. DO NOT TRY TO FIND REASON! Because You will write „I Suck” and demotivate yourself.
2. Define new deadline.
3. If you fail second time in the same task. Re define. It is too big.

Congratulation! You read this post. Now go to next task.